Friday, 17 February 2012

#45 Evaluation

This is an update on my previous post, 'Reflection on Project'. We were given four evaluation questions to answer in detail to help us understand improvements we have made during the projects, and how we feel we have achieved, and what we would do differently next time or stay the same when repeating tasks similar to this one. Below is my evaluation, which I have made into a power point with pictures to make it more creative.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

#42 Final Film & Tutor Feedback

I have finally finished the last cut of my film. It had taken me several months to complete it, along with the other tasks. I feel that I have worked hard, which shows in my work and I am very pleased with what I have created. I plan to show my film to my friends so they can see my work and let me know that they think. You can watch my film below and also leave comments: