Thursday, 10 November 2011

#28 Editing

Now that I had all my footage filmed, I had to edit it all the difference clips together and add sounds and music in the editing stage. To edit, I used a programme called Final Cut Express, which I used very briefly for my AS coursework. I found editing to be one of the most complicated and time consuming parts to this project, as each scene has to fit in time with each other, be cut at exactly the right place, and the sound has to also fit in with what is happening in the scene. My film took a few hours to edit together, which for a five minute film seems like a lot. As I progressed through the editing stage, my skills developed, and when re-watching the film believing I was finished, I noticed areas that didn't look right and then re-edited it. Due to my research stage, I found it easy to edit so that my film was conventionally. Below are some print screens of my film during the editing stage.

This is a print screen of final cut express, showing my 'timeline', my clip 'viewer' and my clip gallery:

This image is a print screen of all my different clips and sounds, which I edited together to form the final film:

This is a print screen of my timeline, which shows all my clips and sounds placed together:

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