Completing my treatment for my short horror film was the first chance for me to hear feedback from others. I photocopied my treatment which can be seen in the posts below, and distributed to several members in my media class, and to friends. I avoided handing it to my close friends as I wanted the opinions to be as truthful and as honest as possible, regardless of how harsh it may sound as I want to be able to improve my intial idea to its full potential.
From handing out this treatment, I have found that my idea has a lot of potential, as it is something that hasn't been seen before. The story needs some correcting as it doesn't always follow correctly, for example, when the cloaked figure is in the kitchen, nobody could understand where he came from. One person suggested having the girl in the cloak in the kitchen instead of this unknown person as it would make the story follow more. Another suggestion was that using one girl would make the story seem more scary, but I feel that two characters will strengthen the plot. This feedback helped me alot.
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