Saturday, 17 September 2011

#6 Ideas Development

This was the first stage of planning for my film that I am working on. I decided to come up with a few ideas, to get a feel for planning a story, and then I would pick one to develop into my film. I came up with three films, a comedy, a horror and a romance, although this is one of my least favourite genres, I didn't want to cut any options out this early on. I then gave a brief description of what would happen in each film, which can be seen in the mind map below.

From this planning stage I have decided to use my horror film idea for my actual film as I feel it is a genre that I would most enjoy creating a film in. I then began to develop my idea into a thicker plot, which I will use to help me start planning roles, scripts and setting for my film. Below is a scan of my developed idea plan.

These are images that I feel influenced me in my idea:

I want my film to be set in a woodland area similar to this one, as I feel it helps relate to the red cloak, through the link made by the child's tale Red Riding Hood.

I want to use a red cloak similar to the one above, as the colour really stands out and has many connotations.

My idea mainly came from putting a twist of horror on a innocent child's tale, like Red Riding Hood.

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